Friday, 15 April 2011

From Infant to Toddler...

Days drift by quickly. I keep remembering how life was so simple when A was a baby! I know, I never thought I would say this even though family and friends did their best to warn me. All the advertisements and TV shows showing moms dressed just for the sake formality,  with untamed hair flying in all directions and each of these ladies being brave and bearing all with no trace of make up, makes more sense to me now than ever before. Who cares about dressing up when the option of utilizing the 15 minutes you get is between that and grabbing a bite (or cooking),  while your toddler is busy exploring something. My cynicism surprises me! Me, who always believed in being presentable even when at home.

If you are trying to figure out what the theme for today's rambling is, then don't try too hard. These are as I mentioned in my previous sentence just ramblings..with no particular agenda in mind. I have started wondering too if the blessed feminism is really a blessing? I always envy my mom and all moms of her generation who did not have to struggle with the decision of staying at home and trying to create an identity outside of their home. I think, for them, the decisions were pretty black & white. Most of them ended up being stay home moms and did not have to feel guilty every time their kid fell sick when they had a pressing deadline at work. But does that really give them mental satisfaction ? From what I have seen, a lot of the moms do pride themselves in being there for their little ones and yet in some tiny corner of their hearts they wish that maybe they could have done more with their lives. Don't get me wrong, I am not judging anyone here. I am mostly a stay home mom for now, but I go through the struggle of "to work or not to work" on a daily basis, and I still haven't figured out which is the right way.
But as everyone knows, being a parent is not all gloomy and burdensome. In fact, most of the times you don't even recollect the rough patches your kid goes through growing up. I love the moments I spend with A. His promotion from infant to toddler has brought so many wonderful things with it. It is a pure joy to communicate with him and teach him new things, and the showers of affection you get in return from him are priceless! Everyday is a new day and believe me there is never a dull moment. I have almost given up on TV and surfing the net (which i think is quite evident from my posts here), and have learnt to rediscover childhood with my son. It is amazing how much one tends to enjoy playing with toys or reading kids' storybooks. I realize how different my own childhood was... and yet so much fun. Spending time with A leads me back to the good old innocent days.

So what is there to conclude? I don't mind just keeps wandering these days from one thought to the other  while I keep a close watch on A trying his stunts and making sure everything remains intact.

1 comment:

  1. I could say so much on your post, Tee, feels so relevant! I know that dilemma only too well :) I see how mothers try to balance their emotions and time between work and home, or work their bones thin at home between housework and an energetic toddler..... there's no saying who has made the right choice.

    But whether it's after a day of housework or a grueling day at the office, there's no reward like a hug and kiss from your toddler! Just makes your choice, whichever one, feel like the right one, doesn't it? :)
